Photo by: Martin Losvik
At one time, the Atlantic Puffin, or sea parrot – “Fratercula arctica”– dominated the nesting places in the galleries where Lars Erik Karlsen exhibited his graphics.
But just as the bird stocks in their nesting places on the open ocean have declined, so have the puffins in the wood engravings on gallery walls. Other birds have come into the mix. Mountains, boats, fish, land and sea as well. We wonder if global warming has reached Lars Erik Karlsen’s studio in Lofoten? The stocks of codfish, however, are on the rise. They are dried in the westerly wind that remains clear and pristine on the western edges of the Lofoten islands. And this is also true in the galleries where Lars Erik Karlsen’s paintings are exhibited. The wind is not as brisk, true enough. Nor is there the aroma of dried cod. Fortunately, some might say. Besides, the pungent odour of bird excrement from the bird rocks can be disturbing, particularly when the gusts of wind subside. A puffin or two can still be seen flying in to find a place in the galleries, both digital and horizontal variants. All the familiar motifs laid out in compositions and patterns as if they were abstract shapes and colours, meticulously placed in a visual composition. Is this actually how they appear?
The graphic artist from Lofoten who once wrote the well-known folk song “På Karlsøy i Troms” makes his contribution to NorlandiART in Bodø: Lars Erik Karlsen
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City Gallery
The entrance area to the Glasshuset shopping centre in downtown Bodø: “If codfish should fail us”. What would we find inside then?
Flyr du? (Are you flying?)
Lars Erik Karlsen has four woodcuts on NorlandiART-18, all for sale in our web gallery